
Showing posts from May, 2020

Failure.... The part of success

Failure- the word itself scares us, when we are on our path to achieve our goals. Eventually, the most successful personalities had faced severe failure in their past times;but they had over come failure for the sake of their future. If you have to overcome failure than you must read my blog till end. A very warm welcome to my blog Readers. As I mentioned above the word failure  scares us when we are on our path to set our future. But readers we must understand that, failure is the first step towards success; we cannot omit this step and proceed further. Failures are the best lessons in our lives. They teaches us how to be careful from further and shows the true colours of the world. Failure shows us the mistake we had done and gives us the chance to avoid them further in any situation. So, when are on the path of success and we might have failure or we may face failure in future, we need to handle these situations in a smart and self-kind way instead of letting them to vici...

Success depends on it's second letter 'U'....

Being successful is the desire of all of us residing over this lovely planet. But it depends on yourself  about how to achieve success, what efforts  you  take to achieve success. Hello readers, a very warm welcome to my blog. We often expect much more and want success to knock our doors very soon. But success expects hard work, efforts, determination and concentration from us  while moving ahead in the path of working for it. Success always looks ahead of silly excuses and puts itself forward than the created misconception. But the road to success is not easy , sometimes we have to face so many barriers in the path of success, but our own  potential to fight with these problems leads us to our goal of success. There stands several such examples all over the world. Most of the iconic personalities have previously faced serious failures in their life's struggle. Yet they continued on their cways to success and finally achieved massive success in their field...