Success depends on it's second letter 'U'....

Being successful is the desire of all of us residing over this lovely planet. But it depends on yourself about how to achieve success, what efforts you take to achieve success.

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a very warm welcome to my blog.
We often expect much more and want success to knock our doors very soon. But success expects hard work, efforts, determination and concentration from us while moving ahead in the path of working for it. Success always looks ahead of silly excuses and puts itself forward than the created misconception. But the road to success is not easy , sometimes we have to face so many barriers in the path of success, but our own potential to fight with these problems leads us to our goal of success. There stands several such examples all over the world. Most of the iconic personalities have previously faced serious failures in their life's struggle. Yet they continued on their cways to success and finally achieved massive success in their fields of expertise. They believed that Success depends on it's second letter 'U' means you, your hard work, your will power, your determination, your efforts, your ability, your potential and capabilities. 

The stories of the world renowned personalities is enough to build an overlasting potential towards reaching the goal of  success.
Here, is list of best successful failures:

1.Bill Gates
It was very important for Bill Gates to heed the lessons of failure in comparison to the joy of success. This great entrepreneur who has established Microsoft like biggest software company is a dropout student from Harvard University. Further more, he has also been known for his self owned business figure known as Traf-O-Data which was one of the biggest failures in history. The entire investment of Bill Gates got vanished and unfortunately, even the education could also not get completed. But  his keen desire and the passion for programming based stuff led him to establish such biggest software company named 'Microsoft'.
2. Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs has been known as an iconic figure for the establishment of Apple like the biggest company. However, it is extremely shocking to know that the $2 billion company with over 4000 employees has been started with only  two persons in a garage. It is also noticed that this great establisher has been dismissed and fires from the Apple company from which he has started his career. Further realising his potential and capabilities, Steve Jobs proceeded further towards establishing the biggest company whish famously known as Apple.
3. J.K. Rowling
J.K.Rowling has been known as the famous author of the most selling book 'Harry Potter' who has clearly stated about her failures during a speech ceremony commenced at Harvard University. She stated about her unsuccessful marriage life with an entire life in front of live lonely and jobless situation. Such a difficult situation without a life partner and a job to survive forced her to start a new life as a dyanmic author. Her  creativity finally led her to the zenith of success.
4. Michael Jordan
Michael Jordan isbone of the most renowned basketball player in sports world history. He was a short height boy early in childhood due to which he often used to get rejected during the selection process. After being grown up and started playing like a basketball player, he even failed to hit over nine thousand shots and ultimately lost over 300 games for 26 times . He got frustrated a lot but his dedication and consistency paved his way towards success.
5. Steven Spielberg
This great filmmaker who has won countless records and prizes for his contribution towards best film making has also suffered from several failures in his life. He wa not able to get higher examination grades in the school during the childhood following which he was suspended three times from the University of Southern California. But  following, his passion and dedication, he  went on creating great movies and finally won three Oscar awards and made a sum of total of fifty one great movies.

So from the above successful failures we got to know that obstacles comes in each and every path of life and to everyone but it depends on you how will to fight with them. Legends are those who gambled with the life. They took chances and risked everything they had to get what they want.
Road to success is a lonely road, learn to walk alone. Yes, it is very hard, but it depends on how effective your steps are and in the end it is worth it. But you have to start somewhere. Remember, legends embrace all kinds of uncertainty and difficulties at any given point if time; they don't choose according to their comfort zone. They always look for ways to expand their comfort zone by constantly stepping out of them. So, get up, Grind, never give up, succeed and repeat and remember Success depends on it's second letter 'U'...

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